Thursday 15 January 2015

Topical airway anesthesia for awake fiberoptic intubation: Comparison between airway nerve blocks and nebulized lignocaine by ultrasonic nebulizer

Awake tracheal intubation with the aid of a fiberoptic device was first described by Murphy in 1967, [5] who used a choledochoscope to facilitate nasotracheal intubation in patients with difficult airway.

Since then, numerous subsequent authors have described the anesthetic techniques and experiences with awake FOB guided intubation. It offers several advantages over use of FOB after induction of general anesthesia in patients with cervical spine instability:

Patient remains in a neutral position, minimizing the risk of neurological deterioration;
patient's neurological status can be assessed after intubation, and
spontaneous ventilation is preserved. [3]

There are multiple ways of anesthetizing the airway to facilitate the performance of awake FOB guided intubation. Among them, topical anesthesia with nebulized LA, gargles, lozenges, sprays, airway blocks and LA through the working channel of FOB is commonly used.

Administration of lignocaine through nebulization for anesthesia of upper airway and larynx has also been previously studied. In their study Cullen et al. [6] found that lignocaine nebulization decreased the discomfort of nasogastric tube insertion.

In 2007, Techanivate et al. [7] found adequate upper airway anesthesia with 2% lignocaine nebulization and topical cocaine application to the nose for fiberoptic nasotracheal application.

In our study, the time taken to perform FOB guided intubation was significantly more in the nebulization group as compared to the nerve blocks group.
The topical anesthesia group received 20 ml of 4% lignocaine via nebulization followed by a 3 ml transtracheal injection.

On the other hand, the nerve block group received bilateral glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerve blocks along with the transtracheal injection.

Kundra et al. [8] also compared two methods of anesthetizing the airway for awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation. One of the groups received 4 ml of 4% lignocaine through nebulization and the other received airway blocks (translaryngeal, bilateral superior laryngeal and lignocaine soaked cotton swabs in the nose).

Although the time taken to intubate was similar in both groups, patients who received lignocaine nebulization for airway anesthesia had to undergo significantly higher stress during the insertion of endotracheal tube through the glottis.

The grimace scores as well as the mean HR and BP in the nebulization group were significantly higher during endotracheal tube insertion.

Patient comfort was better in the nerve blocks group as compared with the nebulization group in our study, as deduced by the coughing/gagging episodes as well as the patient assessment of procedure recall.

These findings are similar to those reported by Graham et al. [9] in 1992. They compared three different methods to provide airway anesthesia during FOB. All patients received benzocaine lozenges, lignocaine sprays for posterior pharynx and lignocaine jelly for nasal passages along with either 4 ml of 2.5% cocaine injection through FOB working channel, transtracheal injection of the same amount of cocaine or nebulized 4 ml of 4% lignocaine.

They reported that the transtracheal injection of cocaine provided significantly superior patient comfort and less coughing episodes as compared with the rest of the techniques. The findings reported by Reasoner et al. [3] were also similar. Although, there was no difference in the number of coughing/gagging episodes between the two study groups, patient recall of the procedure was more in the nebulization group.

Kundra et al. [8] also reported higher grimace scores, mean HR and BP during insertion of endotracheal tube in patients who received lignocaine via nebulization as compared to nerve blocks.

In our study, vocal cord visibility and ease of intubation as assessed by the bronchoscopist were better in the nerve block group as compared with the nebulization group. This finding is similar to that observed by Graham et al. [9]

They reported that the bronchoscopist preferred transtracheal instillation of LA as compared to LA nebulization or LA instillation through the working port of FOB.

However, Reasoner et al. [3] did not find any difference in the quality of airway anesthesia between nebulized LA and nerve blocks as assessed by a blind observer/bronchoscopist.

Gal [10] reported that lignocaine mist produced as an aerosol during ultrasonic nebulization causes airway irritation in subjects as evidenced by coughing.

Later however, it results in bronchodilatation due to its membrane stabilizing action. No such adverse effects caused by lignocaine mist were noted in our study.

The maximum total dose of lignocaine used in our study was 400 mg through nebulization. Such a dose of lignocaine has been safely used and reported for FOB in many previous studies.

In 1997, Parkes et al. [11] used 6 mg/kg of 10% lignocaine solution through nebulization mask for fiberoptic intubation.

The serum lignocaine levels measured remained below the accepted threshold of 5 mg/l at all times (highest levels obtained were 0.45 mg/l).

Similarly, Langmack et al. [12] measured the serum lignocaine levels in 51 asthmatic volunteers undergoing FOB with topical lignocaine. The average total dose used was 600 mg (8.2 mg/kg), which was found to be safe in all patients as assessed by serum lignocaine concentrations.

However, in 1993, Wu et al. [13] have reported seizures in a patient after administration of a total dose of 300 mg of topical lignocaine during FOB. The serum lignocaine concentrations were found to be well above the acceptable toxic limits.

Hence, a constant lookout for signs and symptoms of lignocaine toxicity is mandatory while using large doses.

The limitations of our study are that it is an unblinded study allowing some amount of bias. Furthermore, serum lignocaine levels were not measured due to nonavailability of this facility at our center.

Given the results of the study and the above discussion, the following conclusions may be drawn. The performance of bilateral superior laryngeal and transtracheal recurrent laryngeal nerve blocks provides adequate airway anesthesia to aid in awake FOB guided intubation.

Furthermore, 10 ml of 4% lignocaine through ultrasonic nebulizer may not provide acceptable conditions for bronchoscopy, but a higher dose might be able to adequately anesthetize the airway.

However, a lower dose of lignocaine through nebulization along with supplemental lignocaine instillation through the working channel of FOB might provide adequate airway anesthesia.

More studies need to be performed to determine the amount of lignocaine, which can be used for nebulization with serum lignocaine levels.

Effect of clonidine and magnesium sulphate on anaesthetic consumption, haemodynamics and postoperative recovery: A comparative study


In our study, we observed the effects of clonidine and MgSO 4 as adjuvants of general anaesthesia.
 Our results demonstrate a significant reduction in consumption of propofol and fentanyl used for balanced anaesthesia with both clonidine and MgSO 4 .
Importantly, we used an objective, qualitative measure of anaesthetic state (BIS) to guide anaesthetic requirements and to determine endpoints.
Altan and Turgut [12] used clonidine 3 μg/kg intravenously over a period of 15 minutes before induction and 2 μg/kg/hour by continuous infusion intraoperatively. They observed significant incidences of bradycardia and hypotension in their study.
Reduced the infusion to 1 μg/kg/hour intraoperatively in our study. In spite of this reduced infusion rate of clonidine, we observed significant incidences of bradycardia and hypotension in our study. Further studies using lesser dose of clonidine may be necessary.

Elsharnouby and Elsharnouby [14] used MgSO 4 40 mg/kg intravenously over a period of 15 minutes before induction and 15 mg/kg/hour by continuous infusion intraoperatively.
They noticed more episodes of severe hypotension using this dose of MgSO4 . In our study, we reduced the dose of MgSO 4 to30 mg/kg before induction and 10 mg/kg/hour by continuous infusion intraoperatively.
The dose selected by us resulted in a steady and smooth reduction of MAP and heart rate, with no episodes of severe hypotension and bradycardia. Our finding was supported by a study conducted by Telci and Esen, [15] who used similar dose of MgSO 4 as ours.

In our study, propofol and fentanyl requirements were significantly lower in patients of both Group C and Group M in comparison to Group P. Studies with rat model showed that at clinical concentration, clonidine partially inhibits voltage-gated Na and K channels and suppresses the generation of action potentials in tonic firing spinal dorsal horn neurons. [13]
This may contribute to the reduction of propofol and fentanyl requirements. Fehr and Zalunardo [16] observed similar findings in their study.

MgSO 4 has been reported to produce general anaesthesia and enhance the activity of local anaesthetic agents. [2]
Depressant effects of MgSO 4 on the central nervous system (CNS) of animals has been reported too. [3] Magnesium antagonised NMDA receptors in the CNS. [4] Another mechanism could involve the reduction of catecholamine release through sympathetic stimulation by which magnesium might decrease peripheral nociceptor sensitisation or stress response to surgery.
However, these mechanisms do not explain the reduction in propofol requirements, independent of the reduction of the requirement of fentanyl. Clearly, further studies on the interaction between magnesium and propofol as sole agents need to be done. By acting as an antagonist of NMDA receptors, magnesium has the potential to prevent pain.
The effect of magnesium on perioperative analgesic requirement was first evaluated by Koinig and colleagues [6] in patients with identical level of surgical stimulation. This is also confirmed in a study done by Shulz-Stubher et al. [17]

Taittoven and colleagues [18] compared clonidine and midazolam as premedication agents and observed no differences in oxygen consumption, anxiolysis, energy expenditures and CO 2 production.
Administration of clonidine before induction and intraoperatively results in improved perioperative haemodynamic stability. Preoperative oral clonidine protects against the pressure response to intubation. [19]
Hypotension and bradycardia have been encountered with clonidine. [13] Clonidine can provide better perioperative haemodynamic stability in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. In laparoscopic surgical procedures where adverse cardiovascular change like increased arterial pressure is common, haemodynamic effect like hypotension may actually be beneficial.
Van Den Berg and colleagues [20] found that MgSO 4 attenuated the haemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation .
In our study, both clonidine and MgSO 4 lowered the haemodynamic response to intubation but clonidine was more effective in attenuating the sympathetic response.

In our study, recovery time was significantly prolonged in patients receiving MgSO 4 in comparison to other two groups. The delay in recovery may be due to CNS depressant effect of MgSO 4.
A narcotic state in human beings undergoing surgical operations was achieved in a study by Peck and Meltzer, [21] who attempted anaesthesia by MgSo 4 infusion in three patients of herniorhaphy. However, Aldrete and Vazeery [22] suggested this was actually a sleep-like state caused by cerebral hypoxia from progressive respiratory and cardiac depression.
When ventilation was maintained, even very high level of serum Mg produced no CNS depression.

To conclude, perioperative use of both clonidine and magnesium sulphate significantly reduced the requirement of propofol and fentanyl citrate. They were able to attenuate the haemodynamic response to tracheal intubation.

Both clonidine and magnesium sulphate caused bradycardia and hypotension. Besides, magnesium sulphate caused a delay in recovery. Therefore, both clonidine and magnesium sulphate need careful management, to be used as adjuvant agents to general anaesthetics.