Saturday 23 June 2018

366. Anesthetic loss to the plastic and rubber components of the anesthetic circuit hindering achievement of an adequate inspired concentration is a factor with which of the following anesthetics?
 A. Desflurane B. Nitrous oxide C. Sevoflurane D. Isoflurane E. All of the above
(D) Anesthetic agents are soluble in the rubber and plastic components found in the anesthesia machine. This fact
can impede the development of anesthetic concentrations of these drugs. The worst offender is the obsolete
volatile methoxyflurane. However, both isoflurane and halothane are soluble in rubber and plastic, but to a lesser
degree. Sevoflurane, desflurane, and nitrous oxide have little or no solubility in rubber or plastic. A different but
important issue should be borne in mind regarding loss of sevoflurane. This agent can be destroyed in appreciable
quantities by Baralyme and soda lime, but not calcium hydroxide lime (Amsorb). It is therefore recommended
that fresh-gas flow rates exceed 2 L/min when sevoflurane is administered

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