Sunday 17 June 2018

Myocyte Contraction and Relaxation. 
At rest, crossbridge
cycling and generation of force do not occur
because either the myosin heads are blocked from physically
reacting with the thin filament or they are only
weakly bound to actin (Fig. 20-14).16 Cross-bridge cycling
is initiated on binding of Ca2+ to TnC, which increases
TnC-TnI interaction and decreases the inhibitory TnIactin
These events, which ensue from the
binding of Ca2+ to TnC, lead to conformational changes in
tropomyosin and permit attachment of the myosin head
to actin. Cross-bridging involves the detachment of the
myosin head from actin and a reattachment of myosin
to another actin on hydrolysis of ATP by myosin ATPase.
Binding of ATP to the nucleotide pocket of the myosin
head leads to the activation of myosin ATPase,31-33 ATP
hydrolysis, and changes in the configuration of the myosin
head, all of which facilitate binding of the myosin
head to actin and the generation of the power stroke of
the myosin head. Based on this model, the rate of crossbridge
cycling is dependent on the activity of myosin
ATPase.36 Turnoff of cross-bridge cycling is largely initiated
by the decrease in cytosolic Ca2+.

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